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union ActiveOrderResult =



type Address {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
fullName: String
company: String
streetLine1: String!
streetLine2: String
city: String
province: String
postalCode: String
country: Country!
phoneNumber: String
defaultShippingAddress: Boolean
defaultBillingAddress: Boolean
customFields: JSON


type Adjustment {
adjustmentSource: String!
description: String!
amount: Money!
data: JSON


Returned when attempting to set the Customer for an Order when already logged in.
type AlreadyLoggedInError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!



type Asset {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
name: String!
type: AssetType!
fileSize: Int!
mimeType: String!
width: Int!
height: Int!
source: String!
preview: String!
focalPoint: Coordinate
tags: [Tag!]!
customFields: JSON


type AssetList {
items: [Asset!]!
totalItems: Int!


type AuthenticationMethod {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
strategy: String!


union AuthenticationResult =


The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.
scalar Boolean


type BooleanCustomFieldConfig {
name: String!
type: String!
list: Boolean!
label: [LocalizedString!]
description: [LocalizedString!]
readonly: Boolean
internal: Boolean
nullable: Boolean
requiresPermission: [Permission!]
ui: JSON


type Channel {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
code: String!
token: String!
defaultTaxZone: Zone
defaultShippingZone: Zone
defaultLanguageCode: LanguageCode!
availableLanguageCodes: [LanguageCode!]
currencyCode: CurrencyCode!
defaultCurrencyCode: CurrencyCode!
availableCurrencyCodes: [CurrencyCode!]!
Not yet used - will be implemented in a future release.
trackInventory: Boolean
Not yet used - will be implemented in a future release.
outOfStockThreshold: Int
pricesIncludeTax: Boolean!
seller: Seller
customFields: JSON


type Collection {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode
name: String!
slug: String!
breadcrumbs: [CollectionBreadcrumb!]!
position: Int!
description: String!
featuredAsset: Asset
assets: [Asset!]!
parent: Collection
parentId: ID!
children: [Collection!]
translations: [CollectionTranslation!]!
productVariants(options: ProductVariantListOptions): ProductVariantList!
customFields: JSON


type CollectionBreadcrumb {
id: ID!
name: String!
slug: String!


type CollectionList {
items: [Collection!]!
totalItems: Int!


Which Collections are present in the products returned
by the search, and in what quantity.
type CollectionResult {
collection: Collection!
count: Int!


type CollectionTranslation {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
name: String!
slug: String!
description: String!


type ConfigArg {
name: String!
value: String!


type ConfigArgDefinition {
name: String!
type: String!
list: Boolean!
required: Boolean!
defaultValue: JSON
label: String
description: String
ui: JSON


type ConfigurableOperation {
code: String!
args: [ConfigArg!]!


type ConfigurableOperationDefinition {
code: String!
description: String!


type Coordinate {
x: Float!
y: Float!


A Country of the world which your shop operates in.
The code field is typically a 2-character ISO code such as "GB", "US", "DE" etc. This code is used in certain inputs such as
UpdateAddressInput and CreateAddressInput to specify the country.
type Country {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
code: String!
type: String!
name: String!
enabled: Boolean!
parent: Region
parentId: ID
translations: [RegionTranslation!]!
customFields: JSON


type CountryList {
items: [Country!]!
totalItems: Int!


Returned if the provided coupon code is invalid
type CouponCodeExpiredError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!
couponCode: String!


Returned if the provided coupon code is invalid
type CouponCodeInvalidError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!
couponCode: String!


Returned if the provided coupon code is invalid
type CouponCodeLimitError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!
couponCode: String!
limit: Int!


type CurrentUser {
id: ID!
identifier: String!
channels: [CurrentUserChannel!]!


type CurrentUserChannel {
id: ID!
token: String!
code: String!
permissions: [Permission!]!



type Customer {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
title: String
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
phoneNumber: String
emailAddress: String!
addresses: [Address!]
orders(options: OrderListOptions): OrderList!
user: User
customFields: JSON


type CustomerGroup {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
name: String!
customers(options: CustomerListOptions): CustomerList!
customFields: JSON


type CustomerList {
items: [Customer!]!
totalItems: Int!


A date-time string at UTC, such as 2007-12-03T10:15:30Z, compliant with the date-time format outlined in section 5.6 of the RFC 3339 profile of the ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar.
scalar DateTime


Expects the same validation formats as the <input type="datetime-local"> HTML element.
type DateTimeCustomFieldConfig {
name: String!
type: String!
list: Boolean!
label: [LocalizedString!]
description: [LocalizedString!]
readonly: Boolean
internal: Boolean
nullable: Boolean
requiresPermission: [Permission!]
min: String
max: String
step: Int
ui: JSON


type DeletionResponse {
message: String


type Discount {
adjustmentSource: String!
description: String!
amount: Money!
amountWithTax: Money!


Returned when attempting to create a Customer with an email address already registered to an existing User.
type EmailAddressConflictError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!


type Facet {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
name: String!
code: String!
values: [FacetValue!]!
Returns a paginated, sortable, filterable list of the Facet's values. Added in v2.1.0.
translations: [FacetTranslation!]!
customFields: JSON


type FacetList {
items: [Facet!]!
totalItems: Int!


type FacetTranslation {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
name: String!


type FacetValue {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
facet: Facet!
facetId: ID!
name: String!
code: String!
translations: [FacetValueTranslation!]!
customFields: JSON


type FacetValueList {
items: [FacetValue!]!
totalItems: Int!


Which FacetValues are present in the products returned
by the search, and in what quantity.
type FacetValueResult {
facetValue: FacetValue!
count: Int!


type FacetValueTranslation {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
name: String!


The Float scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754.
scalar Float


type FloatCustomFieldConfig {
name: String!
type: String!
list: Boolean!
label: [LocalizedString!]
description: [LocalizedString!]
readonly: Boolean
internal: Boolean
nullable: Boolean
requiresPermission: [Permission!]
min: Float
max: Float
step: Float
ui: JSON


type Fulfillment {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
lines: [FulfillmentLine!]!
summary: [FulfillmentLine!]!
state: String!
method: String!
trackingCode: String
customFields: JSON


type FulfillmentLine {
orderLine: OrderLine!
orderLineId: ID!
quantity: Int!
fulfillment: Fulfillment!
fulfillmentId: ID!


Returned when attempting to set the Customer on a guest checkout when the configured GuestCheckoutStrategy does not allow it.
type GuestCheckoutError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!
errorDetail: String!


type HistoryEntry {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
data: JSON!


type HistoryEntryList {
items: [HistoryEntry!]!
totalItems: Int!


The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.
scalar ID


Returned if the token used to change a Customer's email address is valid, but has
expired according to the verificationTokenDuration setting in the AuthOptions.
type IdentifierChangeTokenExpiredError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!


Returned if the token used to change a Customer's email address is either
invalid or does not match any expected tokens.
type IdentifierChangeTokenInvalidError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!


Returned when attempting to add a Payment using a PaymentMethod for which the Order is not eligible.
type IneligiblePaymentMethodError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!
eligibilityCheckerMessage: String


Returned when attempting to set a ShippingMethod for which the Order is not eligible
type IneligibleShippingMethodError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!


Returned when attempting to add more items to the Order than are available
type InsufficientStockError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!
quantityAvailable: Int!
order: Order!


The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
scalar Int


type IntCustomFieldConfig {
name: String!
type: String!
list: Boolean!
label: [LocalizedString!]
description: [LocalizedString!]
readonly: Boolean
internal: Boolean
nullable: Boolean
requiresPermission: [Permission!]
min: Int
max: Int
step: Int
ui: JSON


Returned if the user authentication credentials are not valid
type InvalidCredentialsError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!
authenticationError: String!


The JSON scalar type represents JSON values as specified by ECMA-404.
scalar JSON


type LocaleStringCustomFieldConfig {
name: String!
type: String!
list: Boolean!
length: Int
label: [LocalizedString!]
description: [LocalizedString!]
readonly: Boolean
internal: Boolean
nullable: Boolean
requiresPermission: [Permission!]
pattern: String
ui: JSON


type LocaleTextCustomFieldConfig {
name: String!
type: String!
list: Boolean!
label: [LocalizedString!]
description: [LocalizedString!]
readonly: Boolean
internal: Boolean
nullable: Boolean
requiresPermission: [Permission!]
ui: JSON


type LocalizedString {
languageCode: LanguageCode!
value: String!


Returned when attempting to register or verify a customer account without a password, when one is required.
type MissingPasswordError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!


The Money scalar type represents monetary values and supports signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754.
scalar Money


Returned when attempting an operation that relies on the NativeAuthStrategy, if that strategy is not configured.
type NativeAuthStrategyError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!



Returned when attempting to set a negative OrderLine quantity.
type NegativeQuantityError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!


Returned when invoking a mutation which depends on there being an active Order on the
current session.
type NoActiveOrderError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!


Returned if authOptions.requireVerification is set to true (which is the default)
and an unverified user attempts to authenticate.
type NotVerifiedError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!


type Order {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
type: OrderType!
The date & time that the Order was placed, i.e. the Customer
completed the checkout and the Order is no longer "active"
orderPlacedAt: DateTime
A unique code for the Order
code: String!
state: String!
An order is active as long as the payment process has not been completed
active: Boolean!
customer: Customer
shippingAddress: OrderAddress
billingAddress: OrderAddress
lines: [OrderLine!]!
Surcharges are arbitrary modifications to the Order total which are neither
ProductVariants nor discounts resulting from applied Promotions. For example,
one-off discounts based on customer interaction, or surcharges based on payment
surcharges: [Surcharge!]!
discounts: [Discount!]!
An array of all coupon codes applied to the Order
couponCodes: [String!]!
Promotions applied to the order. Only gets populated after the payment process has completed.
promotions: [Promotion!]!
payments: [Payment!]
fulfillments: [Fulfillment!]
totalQuantity: Int!
The subTotal is the total of all OrderLines in the Order. This figure also includes any Order-level
discounts which have been prorated (proportionally distributed) amongst the items of each OrderLine.
To get a total of all OrderLines which does not account for prorated discounts, use the
sum of OrderLine.discountedLinePrice values.
subTotal: Money!
Same as subTotal, but inclusive of tax
subTotalWithTax: Money!
currencyCode: CurrencyCode!
shippingLines: [ShippingLine!]!
shipping: Money!
shippingWithTax: Money!
Equal to subTotal plus shipping
total: Money!
The final payable amount. Equal to subTotalWithTax plus shippingWithTax
totalWithTax: Money!
A summary of the taxes being applied to this Order
taxSummary: [OrderTaxSummary!]!
customFields: JSON


type OrderAddress {
fullName: String
company: String
streetLine1: String
streetLine2: String
city: String
province: String
postalCode: String
country: String
countryCode: String
phoneNumber: String
customFields: JSON


Returned when the maximum order size limit has been reached.
type OrderLimitError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!
maxItems: Int!


type OrderLine {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
productVariant: ProductVariant!
featuredAsset: Asset
The price of a single unit, excluding tax and discounts
unitPrice: Money!
The price of a single unit, including tax but excluding discounts
unitPriceWithTax: Money!
Non-zero if the unitPrice has changed since it was initially added to Order
unitPriceChangeSinceAdded: Money!
Non-zero if the unitPriceWithTax has changed since it was initially added to Order
unitPriceWithTaxChangeSinceAdded: Money!
The price of a single unit including discounts, excluding tax.
If Order-level discounts have been applied, this will not be the
actual taxable unit price (see proratedUnitPrice), but is generally the
correct price to display to customers to avoid confusion
about the internal handling of distributed Order-level discounts.
discountedUnitPrice: Money!
The price of a single unit including discounts and tax
discountedUnitPriceWithTax: Money!
The actual unit price, taking into account both item discounts and prorated (proportionally-distributed)
Order-level discounts. This value is the true economic value of the OrderItem, and is used in tax
and refund calculations.
proratedUnitPrice: Money!
The proratedUnitPrice including tax
proratedUnitPriceWithTax: Money!
The quantity of items purchased
quantity: Int!
The quantity at the time the Order was placed
orderPlacedQuantity: Int!
taxRate: Float!
The total price of the line excluding tax and discounts.
linePrice: Money!
The total price of the line including tax but excluding discounts.
linePriceWithTax: Money!
The price of the line including discounts, excluding tax
discountedLinePrice: Money!
The price of the line including discounts and tax
discountedLinePriceWithTax: Money!
The actual line price, taking into account both item discounts and prorated (proportionally-distributed)
Order-level discounts. This value is the true economic value of the OrderLine, and is used in tax
and refund calculations.
proratedLinePrice: Money!
The proratedLinePrice including tax
proratedLinePriceWithTax: Money!
The total tax on this line
lineTax: Money!
discounts: [Discount!]!
taxLines: [TaxLine!]!
order: Order!
fulfillmentLines: [FulfillmentLine!]
customFields: JSON


type OrderList {
items: [Order!]!
totalItems: Int!


Returned when attempting to modify the contents of an Order that is not in the AddingItems state.
type OrderModificationError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!


Returned when attempting to add a Payment to an Order that is not in the ArrangingPayment state.
type OrderPaymentStateError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!


Returned if there is an error in transitioning the Order state
type OrderStateTransitionError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!
transitionError: String!
fromState: String!
toState: String!


A summary of the taxes being applied to this order, grouped
by taxRate.
type OrderTaxSummary {
A description of this tax
description: String!
The taxRate as a percentage
taxRate: Float!
The total net price of OrderLines to which this taxRate applies
taxBase: Money!
The total tax being applied to the Order at this taxRate
taxTotal: Money!


Returned when attempting to verify a customer account with a password, when a password has already been set.
type PasswordAlreadySetError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!


Returned if the token used to reset a Customer's password is valid, but has
expired according to the verificationTokenDuration setting in the AuthOptions.
type PasswordResetTokenExpiredError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!


Returned if the token used to reset a Customer's password is either
invalid or does not match any expected tokens.
type PasswordResetTokenInvalidError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!


Returned when attempting to register or verify a customer account where the given password fails password validation.
type PasswordValidationError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!
validationErrorMessage: String!


type Payment {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
method: String!
amount: Money!
state: String!
transactionId: String
errorMessage: String
refunds: [Refund!]!
metadata: JSON


Returned when a Payment is declined by the payment provider.
type PaymentDeclinedError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!
paymentErrorMessage: String!


Returned when a Payment fails due to an error.
type PaymentFailedError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!
paymentErrorMessage: String!


type PaymentMethod {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
name: String!
code: String!
description: String!
enabled: Boolean!
translations: [PaymentMethodTranslation!]!
customFields: JSON


type PaymentMethodQuote {
id: ID!
code: String!
name: String!
description: String!
isEligible: Boolean!
eligibilityMessage: String
customFields: JSON


type PaymentMethodTranslation {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
name: String!
description: String!


The price range where the result has more than one price
type PriceRange {
min: Money!
max: Money!


type Product {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
name: String!
slug: String!
description: String!
enabled: Boolean!
featuredAsset: Asset
assets: [Asset!]!
Returns all ProductVariants
variants: [ProductVariant!]!
Returns a paginated, sortable, filterable list of ProductVariants
optionGroups: [ProductOptionGroup!]!
facetValues: [FacetValue!]!
translations: [ProductTranslation!]!
collections: [Collection!]!
customFields: JSON


type ProductList {
items: [Product!]!
totalItems: Int!


type ProductOption {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
code: String!
name: String!
groupId: ID!
translations: [ProductOptionTranslation!]!
customFields: JSON


type ProductOptionGroup {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
code: String!
name: String!
options: [ProductOption!]!
customFields: JSON


type ProductOptionGroupTranslation {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
name: String!


type ProductOptionTranslation {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
name: String!


type ProductTranslation {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
name: String!
slug: String!
description: String!


type ProductVariant {
id: ID!
product: Product!
productId: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
sku: String!
name: String!
featuredAsset: Asset
assets: [Asset!]!
price: Money!
currencyCode: CurrencyCode!
priceWithTax: Money!
stockLevel: String!
taxRateApplied: TaxRate!
taxCategory: TaxCategory!
options: [ProductOption!]!
facetValues: [FacetValue!]!
translations: [ProductVariantTranslation!]!
customFields: JSON


type ProductVariantList {
items: [ProductVariant!]!
totalItems: Int!


type ProductVariantTranslation {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
name: String!


type Promotion {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
startsAt: DateTime
endsAt: DateTime
couponCode: String
perCustomerUsageLimit: Int
usageLimit: Int
name: String!
description: String!
enabled: Boolean!
conditions: [ConfigurableOperation!]!
translations: [PromotionTranslation!]!
customFields: JSON


type PromotionList {
items: [Promotion!]!
totalItems: Int!


type PromotionTranslation {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
name: String!
description: String!


type Province {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
code: String!
type: String!
name: String!
enabled: Boolean!
parent: Region
parentId: ID
translations: [RegionTranslation!]!
customFields: JSON


type ProvinceList {
items: [Province!]!
totalItems: Int!


union RefreshCustomerVerificationResult =


type Refund {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
items: Money!
shipping: Money!
adjustment: Money!
total: Money!
method: String
state: String!
transactionId: String
reason: String
lines: [RefundLine!]!
paymentId: ID!
metadata: JSON


type RefundLine {
orderLine: OrderLine!
orderLineId: ID!
quantity: Int!
refund: Refund!
refundId: ID!


type RegionTranslation {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
name: String!



type RelationCustomFieldConfig {
name: String!
type: String!
list: Boolean!
label: [LocalizedString!]
description: [LocalizedString!]
readonly: Boolean
internal: Boolean
nullable: Boolean
requiresPermission: [Permission!]
entity: String!
scalarFields: [String!]!
ui: JSON


union RemoveOrderItemsResult =


union RequestPasswordResetResult =


union RequestUpdateCustomerEmailAddressResult =



type Role {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
code: String!
description: String!
permissions: [Permission!]!
channels: [Channel!]!


type RoleList {
items: [Role!]!
totalItems: Int!


type SearchReindexResponse {
success: Boolean!


type SearchResponse {
items: [SearchResult!]!
totalItems: Int!
facetValues: [FacetValueResult!]!
collections: [CollectionResult!]!


type SearchResult {
sku: String!
slug: String!
productId: ID!
productName: String!
productAsset: SearchResultAsset
productVariantId: ID!
productVariantName: String!
productVariantAsset: SearchResultAsset
priceWithTax: SearchResultPrice!
currencyCode: CurrencyCode!
description: String!
facetIds: [ID!]!
facetValueIds: [ID!]!
An array of ids of the Collections in which this result appears
collectionIds: [ID!]!
A relevance score for the result. Differs between database implementations
score: Float!


type SearchResultAsset {
id: ID!
preview: String!
focalPoint: Coordinate


The price of a search result product, either as a range or as a single price
union SearchResultPrice =


type Seller {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
name: String!
customFields: JSON




type ShippingLine {
id: ID!
shippingMethod: ShippingMethod!
price: Money!
priceWithTax: Money!
discountedPrice: Money!
discountedPriceWithTax: Money!
discounts: [Discount!]!


type ShippingMethod {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
code: String!
name: String!
description: String!
fulfillmentHandlerCode: String!
translations: [ShippingMethodTranslation!]!
customFields: JSON


type ShippingMethodList {
items: [ShippingMethod!]!
totalItems: Int!


type ShippingMethodQuote {
id: ID!
price: Money!
priceWithTax: Money!
code: String!
name: String!
description: String!
Any optional metadata returned by the ShippingCalculator in the ShippingCalculationResult
metadata: JSON
customFields: JSON


type ShippingMethodTranslation {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
languageCode: LanguageCode!
name: String!
description: String!


The price value where the result has a single price
type SinglePrice {
value: Money!


The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
scalar String


type StringCustomFieldConfig {
name: String!
type: String!
list: Boolean!
length: Int
label: [LocalizedString!]
description: [LocalizedString!]
readonly: Boolean
internal: Boolean
nullable: Boolean
requiresPermission: [Permission!]
pattern: String
options: [StringFieldOption!]
ui: JSON


type StringFieldOption {
value: String!
label: [LocalizedString!]


Indicates that an operation succeeded, where we do not want to return any more specific information.
type Success {
success: Boolean!


type Surcharge {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
description: String!
sku: String
taxLines: [TaxLine!]!
price: Money!
priceWithTax: Money!
taxRate: Float!


type Tag {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
value: String!


type TagList {
items: [Tag!]!
totalItems: Int!


type TaxCategory {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
name: String!
isDefault: Boolean!
customFields: JSON


type TaxLine {
description: String!
taxRate: Float!


type TaxRate {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
name: String!
enabled: Boolean!
value: Float!
category: TaxCategory!
zone: Zone!
customerGroup: CustomerGroup
customFields: JSON


type TaxRateList {
items: [TaxRate!]!
totalItems: Int!


type TextCustomFieldConfig {
name: String!
type: String!
list: Boolean!
label: [LocalizedString!]
description: [LocalizedString!]
readonly: Boolean
internal: Boolean
nullable: Boolean
requiresPermission: [Permission!]
ui: JSON


union TransitionOrderToStateResult =





The Upload scalar type represents a file upload.
scalar Upload


type User {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
identifier: String!
verified: Boolean!
roles: [Role!]!
lastLogin: DateTime
authenticationMethods: [AuthenticationMethod!]!
customFields: JSON


Returned if the verification token (used to verify a Customer's email address) is valid, but has
expired according to the verificationTokenDuration setting in the AuthOptions.
type VerificationTokenExpiredError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!


Returned if the verification token (used to verify a Customer's email address) is either
invalid or does not match any expected tokens.
type VerificationTokenInvalidError {
errorCode: ErrorCode!
message: String!



type Zone {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
name: String!
members: [Region!]!
customFields: JSON