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A JobBuffer is used to temporarily prevent jobs from being sent to the job queue for processing. Instead, it collects certain jobs (as specified by the collect() method), and stores them.

How these buffered jobs are stored is determined by the configured JobBufferStorageStrategy.

The JobBuffer can be thought of as a kind of "interceptor" of jobs. That is, when a JobBuffer is active, it sits in between calls to JobQueue.add() and the actual adding of the job to the queue.

At some later point, the buffer can be flushed (by calling JobQueue.flush()), at which point all the jobs that were collected into the buffer will be removed from the buffer and passed to the JobBuffer.reduce() method. This method is able to perform additional logic to e.g. aggregate many jobs into a single job in order to de-duplicate work.


// This is a buffer which will collect all the
// 'apply-collection-filters' jobs and buffer them.
export class CollectionJobBuffer implements JobBuffer<ApplyCollectionFiltersJobData> {
readonly id = 'apply-collection-filters-buffer';

collect(job: Job): boolean {
return job.queueName === 'apply-collection-filters';

// When the buffer gets flushed, this function will be passed all the collected jobs
// and will reduce them down to a single job that has aggregated all of the collectionIds.
reduce(collectedJobs: Array<Job<ApplyCollectionFiltersJobData>>): Array<Job<any>> {
// Concatenate all the collectionIds from all the events that were buffered
const collectionIdsToUpdate = collectedJobs.reduce((result, job) => {
return [...result,];
}, [] as ID[]);

const referenceJob = collectedJobs[0];

// Create a new Job containing all the concatenated collectionIds,
// de-duplicated to include each collectionId only once.
const batchedCollectionJob = new Job<ApplyCollectionFiltersJobData>({
id: undefined,
data: {
collectionIds: unique(collectionIdsToUpdate),

// Only this single job will get added to the job queue
return [batchedCollectionJob];

A JobBuffer is used by adding it to the JobQueueService, at which point it will become active and start collecting jobs.

At some later point, the buffer can be flushed, causing the buffered jobs to be passed through the reduce() method and sent to the job queue.


const collectionBuffer = new CollectionJobBuffer();

await this.jobQueueService.addBuffer(collectionBuffer);

// Here you can perform some work which would ordinarily
// trigger the 'apply-collection-filters' job, such as updating
// collection filters or changing ProductVariant prices.

await this.jobQueueService.flush(collectionBuffer);

await this.jobQueueService.removeBuffer(collectionBuffer);
interface JobBuffer<Data extends JobData<Data> = object> {
readonly id: string;
collect(job: Job<Data>): boolean | Promise<boolean>;
reduce(collectedJobs: Array<Job<Data>>): Array<Job<Data>> | Promise<Array<Job<Data>>>;




(job: Job<Data>) => boolean | Promise<boolean>

This method is called whenever a job is added to the job queue. If it returns true, then the job will be buffered and not added to the job queue. If it returns false, the job will be added to the job queue as normal.


(collectedJobs: Array<Job<Data>>) => Array<Job<Data>> | Promise<Array<Job<Data>>>

This method is called whenever the buffer gets flushed via a call to JobQueueService.flush(). It allows logic to be run on the buffered jobs which enables optimizations such as aggregating and de-duplicating the work of many jobs into one job.